For Reiki practitioners who want to teach Reiki to others…

Christopher Tellez of San Francisco, California receives his Reiki Master certificate from Brian Brunius of the NYC Reiki Center.
Reiki Mastery in the system of Usui Shiki Ryoho is only offered to students who have extensive experience in the practice of Reiki – practice grounded in daily self-treatment and regular treatment of others over several years. Students must make a commitment to their own personal development, try to practice the five precepts in their lives, and have a desire to practice and teach Reiki as a primary occupation.
What’s Involved
The Reiki Mastery Program is a two- to three-year apprenticeship. The master candidate must audit many classes taught by the Master, assist in teaching several classes at each level, attend Reiki circles and other volunteer opportunities, complete assignments of reading books and magazines, studying videos and audio files related to Usui Shiki Ryoho, and perform a research project. During the training, Master Candidates build their own Reiki businesses under the guidance of the instructor, develop a clientele, and create the materials they will use to teach classes and certify students. At the culmination of the two-year training, they will teach their own classes and be evaluated by the instructor.

Reiki Master Simon John Light received his Master certificate from Brian Brunius in New York City on May 22, 2022
The other significant component of the master training is extensive spiritual growth. It can be a very emotional process, and even physically uncomfortable at times. The student’s energy level will expand significantly, as Reiki makes many changes physically and emotionally in the student to prepare them for the duties of a Master Instructor.
Common Mistakes
It is common in the world today to enter the path of Reiki Mastery quickly, without much preparation. It is not a sign of success to have a fast initiation or a weekend master training. Don’t be afraid to take a few years to discern your commitment to Mastery. Take the time to ripen. If you are to be a Master, this desire and calling will not go away. It will come back to you over and over again. It will come from deep inside of you; it will be more than just a good idea. You will recognize the strength of your commitment to this system of Usui Shiki Ryoho expressed through several years of patient practice. When you are ready to begin, choose a lineage and a Master who can offer you the strongest and clearest connection to Reiki.